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Japanese Language and Culture Club Spotlight

Carmen Machuca
May 08, 2023

UNC offers many clubs and organizations for students to join and create memorable experiences. The Japanese Language and Culture Club is one of many unique clubs, and it is back after a hiatus.

“The club just recently started in Spring of 2023, and we are looking for team leaders for next year to take over the places for the seniors that are running the club right now,” said Megan Gilbert, the treasurer of the club. “So, if you’re interested, please email us.”

The club is dedicated to cultivating understanding of Japanese culture and language through educational activities and opportunities.

An example of the club’s activities, is making onigiri. Onigiri are Japanese rice balls made of steamed rice that is shaped into a triangular shape and are wrapped in a seaweed sheet.

It strives to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for everyone at any language level.

“We just hope to see a lot of participation, a happy environment, a lot of interest in people who hopefully maybe want to go to Japan eventually and just get started in that interest and learn more of an in-depth knowledge about Japanese culture,” said Jenna Wood, the president of the club.

The club plans to have activities such as Japanese holiday celebrations, Japanese cooking, Japanese calligraphy, and movie screenings.

The Japanese Language and Culture Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays with the location to be announced. Anyone is welcome to join.