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Inflation is Affecting Everyone, Why You Should Still Support Local Artists

Emily Gutierrez
May 08, 2023

Greeley artisans and businesses braved the cold on February 25th at the first annual Freezey Daze to bring art and products to the community. But alongside local businesses, there were other events like bubble artists, cold yoga, music and more for people of all ages to enjoy.

Freezey Daze was a chance for the Greeley community to leave their homes and experience downtown once again as the snow and ice melted away. Some shops even handed out warm drinks and snacks for people to enjoy as they walked around checking out different vendors.

A UNC geology professor, Sharon Bywater-Reyes, was even present, selling homemade jewelry to raise money for a nonprofit called the Association for Women Geoscientists. This chapter in particular raises money for scholarships and awards meant for women across Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico. The jewelry that Bywater-Reyes sold was all handmade by herself or students at UNC.

“We just do things like jewelry making where I train everyone how to do it, and then we just make it and then you can buy it for cheap or donate it for free. So you can do it for free and then just donate your stuff for me to sell,” said Bywater-Reyes.

But Freezey Daze isn’t just a chance to raise money for the nonprofit, it’s a great chance to raise awareness about the geology program at UNC and about women in STEM.

“I noticed that women are still a minority in the geosciences, and so we need to increase diversity in the Geosciences students,” said Bywater-Reyes.

It’s also no coincidence that Freezey Daze took place when it did. The time between the holidays and spring is often a slow time for businesses. However, buying something homemade is one way to fight off the winter blues. Many people present at the event felt that handcrafted art is something worth spending their money on.

“You know, corporations are taking our money. Like, why not spend it on home stuff?” said Selena Balderas, one of the vendors at the event.

Americans are all dealing with rising inflation. Inflation had climbed to 5.4% in January from 2022 according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. With the price of basic needs rising, it can be hard for people to find the budget for luxury goods. But for many at the event, buying small things that bring us joy can raise people’s spirits.