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Canvas and Cupcakes, a mental health happy hour event

February 11, 2023

The Office of Health Promotion held an event called “Canvas and Cupcakes” as a part of their mental health happy hour event series. Students who RSVP’d for the event were able to enjoy an array of cupcakes and tea while also following painting instructors. 

The canvases, paints, and instruction were provided by Work of Art Greeley. By the end of the event, students were able to walk away with a painting of their own aurora borealis and mental health resources. 

Aurora Rousseau is a graduate assistant for the OHP. Rousseau says that the OHP works hard to provide education and resources for contemporary college health issues. She says that events like these are important because it provides a chance for students to unwind with something fun and relaxing. 

“We’re providing information on the UNC Counseling Center because a lot of students don’t know that the Counseling Center offers ten free sessions for students,” said Rousseau.

The OHP holds events like these throughout the semester. For more information on future events, check out OHP's Instagram.