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Bear in Mind: The Podcast Connecting UNC Students to the Campus and Community

February 22, 2023

The University of Northern Colorado in Greeley is home to a vibrant and dynamic campus, but it can be hard to keep up with everything happening. That’s where the Bear in Mind podcast comes in. Hosted by Isabella Marcus-Porter, the podcast aims to connect students, faculty, and alumni with the stories and people behind the events on campus and in the city.

The podcast was started by adjunct instructor Dan and Cox in 2017 and lasted until 2020. The Podcast is being revived by the Journalism and Media Studies program at UNC. Journalism student Isabella hopes the podcast will give listeners a more personal and conversational look at the world around them.

“I think the goal of the podcast is to have stories, especially at USC, and have people at UNC have a more conversational story rather than just a regular news story,” she explains. “Regular news stories are great, but I think one thing that lacks from a lot of news stories is the humanity in it.”

Listeners of Bear in Mind can expect a wide range of topics and interviews, from the original host of the podcast to some of the student leaders behind last year’s Black Hills Punk exhibit. With so many people doing cool things on campus, Marcus Porter hopes the podcast will inspire listeners to get more involved and learn something new.

“I hope listeners are able to find a connection and be able to either want to be involved more with stuff at the university and know more about stuff in the university or learn something new about maybe a topic that they don’t know so much about,” she said.

The podcast is just one example of the many ways that UNC is working to connect its students with the campus and the community. With so much happening on and off campus, it’s important to take a step back and reflect on these events impact on our lives. Thanks to the Bear in Mind podcast, students at UNC can do just that.

You can listen to Bear In Mind with any podcast streaming service.