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Journalism Students Take on Vegas!

Shellee SchwartzShellee Schwartz
April 29, 2024

Earlier in April, students from the University of Northern Colorado’s Journalism and Media Studies program took a trip to Las Vegas to learn more about the world of broadcast.

The National Association of Broadcast Show introduced students to hundreds of media professionals, incredible new softwares, programs, cameras and other devices. Students were exposed to all kinds of technology such as cameras that can color correct video as they record, screens that roll up or you can stand on top of, screens that you can swing golf balls into, cameras that synchronize together and so much more.

Journalism student Sophia Tavanello says she was inspired by the conference.

“It definitely opened my eyes to the possibilities, and the what-ifs and what I could possibly do with my own skills,” Tavanello said.

All of the skills journalism students have learned in their classes like framing, video editing and color-correction extend beyond just creating news broadcasts. Journalism student Drew Peters was shocked by the ways technology could be used outside of the field of journalism.

“Something I saw that I was surprised to see was the application of broadcast in multiple different fields. And just like the different uses for the technologies and kind of like the innovations within those technologies,” Peters said.

Journalism student Andrew Galster was also surprised to find out how much technology was used for broadcasting. Despite the great technology UNC journalism has in its own news studio like green screens, teleprompters and cameras, it’s incredibly limited compared to all of the resources and tools that are out there.

“I’ve seen a lot of technologies I didn’t know existed, things I ever thought would be necessary for a studio that just absolutely are. I feel like I have a better understanding of the environment I’m going to go and be working in,” Galster said.

Having the opportunity to visit the National Association of Broadcast Show opened students eyes to the amazing, creative possibilities that exist for the future.