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Assault Survivors Advocacy Program: Empowering Survivors under Dedicated Leadership

Sophia RaymondSophia Raymond
April 29, 2024

The University of Northern Colorado's Assistant Director of Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) Imani Lindberg spearheads a groundbreaking program aimed at empowering and supporting survivors of assault. With a blend of compassion and expertise, leads the charge in providing vital resources and advocacy for those affected by assault on campus. Lindberg was recently honored with the "Professional Staff of the Year" at a staff recognition ceremony held in March on campus.

“It solidified that I am doing the work that I should be doing [and] the work that I want to be doing,” Lindberg said. “It was really awesome to receive this award so early in my career.”

Lindberg's tireless efforts in overseeing the day-to-day operations of ASAP have not gone unnoticed. With a commitment to facilitating the recovery of survivors of sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking, Lindberg has made ASAP a beacon of support and confidentiality on campus. Her leadership extends beyond the office walls, as ASAP is available 24/7 on any given day, ensuring that survivors have access to support whenever they need it most. 

“It's great to have been recognized for the things that I have done thus far,” Lindberg said. “So, it's like what's next? What are those next things that I can do?” 

She additionally helps facilitate one of ASAP's big events of the year “Take Back The Night" where students and staff march around campus to raise awareness about sexual assault and violence. Lindberg's dedication to the mission of ASAP and her contributions to the university community make her a deserving recipient of the professional staff of the year.  

“We had survivors speeches to hear that student perspective,” she said. “We were able to do a moment of silence and we painted a canvas for painting campus teal. That canvas is hung up in the conner of our office.”  

If you need help, ASAP is on the second floor of Cassidy Hall. The office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Friday. If you need assistance outside of that time, be sure to reach out to the 24/7 phone line. Fliers for ASAP can be found in bathroom stalls and other places around campus.