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What is Greeley Known For?

Gabriela Lopez CiprianoGabriela Lopez Cipriano
April 05, 2024

Greeley is home to the University of Northern Colorado Bears. It is also a home to about 100,000 people. Its unique downtown alleys, city parks andbeef plants play a role in Greeley’s existence. Greeley provides its community with lots of job opportunities specifically in agriculture.

“I think Greeley is known for agriculture and all the job opportunities,” said Brandon Lagunas, UNC academic advisor.

“Beef plant and specifically the amount of employment it gives,” said Jasmine Mosqueda, Greeley native.

The JBS beef plant is a major food processing company that provides jobs for about 78,000 people in Greeley and its surrounding areas.

“Greeley is known for its diversity, its love for community and culture,” said Roxy Villezca, UNC student.

Greeley is also known to be a diverse community by providing ethnic minorities with resources to feel supported.

“To me, Greeley is known for helping the community. Especially the Latino community," said Alondra Villanueva, a UNC nursing student. "I feel like there is enough support and wherever you go, there will be people helping. Especially if you have questions and [are] first generation. Just like what you are going through, there is always going to be help for the Latino community."

The "cowtown" smell in Greeley will never go away. Cows, agriculture and diversity will always be part of what Greeley is known for.