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The IDD Learning Design Studio Helps Instructors Provide High-Quality Online Courses

Carmen MachucaCarmen Machuca
March 11, 2024

The IDD Learning Design Studio is in Michener Library and is equipped to help instructors record lectures for their online courses.

The IDD provides a professional quality studio that includes a 4K camera, green screen, teleprompter and professional lighting.

The studio helps instructors deliver high-quality videos to students who often choose online courses to fit their schedules, even if they never set foot on UNC’s campus.

Online students overwhelmingly reported that they want to know their instructors are present as they value the expertise their instructor contributes to the course work.

“[It's] one of the biggest pieces of feedback we get from students," said Rebecca Saunders, an instructional designer. "As we work with instructors in the studio, we work with them on creating these small key concept videos and so that students can come in and get exactly the information they need when they need it."

The process begins with instructors creating short, impact videos, then focusing on bringing their expertise and key points to the video presentation. They look into the camera and talk directly to their students, and then the IDD Studio takes care of the rest.

After post-production, the instructor can request revisions or approve the video. The final video is then delivered to them to upload into Canvas.

"Studies continue to show that students who see their instructors in an online environment feel more engaged with the course,” Saunders said.

All right instructors get ready to be inspired and take your teaching with online tools to the next level!