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UNC Celebrates International Women’s Day with a Tribute to Women's Achievements and Rights

Gabriela Lopez CiprianoGabriela Lopez Cipriano
March 11, 2024

International Women’s International Day has been celebrated across the country since 1975. This holiday honors the achievements of women and promotes women’s rights.

The Center for Women’s and Gender Equity partnered with the Office of Global Engagement at the University of Northern Colorado to host the International Women’s Day celebration. The even had music fill the room along with company from all over campus.

The purpose of this event was for students to build community, but there was more to this event than just hanging out.

“Our goal with this event was to educate folks, specifically on international organizations that are dedicated to the rights of women,” said Stephen Lovewell, director of the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center.

A gallery dedicated to Women in History was displayed at the celebration. Macey Boren, a UNC organizer and artist, began the painting in September 2023.

“These paintings represent a lot of the sororities of women that have been forgotten throughout history and women who were historically significant,” Boren said.

Boren said that each painting took about a month to complete.

The celebration was organized and put together by women, but the CWGE welcomes everyone.

“The center isn’t open to just women it’s open to everybody," said Nancy Caudillo, a graduate assistant. "It’s just a place for women to come and feel safe. That’s a priority, but that doesn’t mean that men or people who identify as non-binary aren’t welcome to come in. They’re absolutely welcome to do this; everyone is."

The CWGE will be hosting various events throughout March to honor women in history. To find out more about their events visit their Instagram account @unco_cwge.