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UNC's GOAL Program: Fostering Inclusive Education and Lifelong Connections

Sophia TavanelloSophia Tavanello
March 04, 2024

The University of Northern Colorado's  GOAL Program, GoOn and Learn, is an inclusive higher education program dedicated to assist students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The students and team leaders participate in weekly and bi-weekly events that contain fun competitions where prizes can be won.

Some of these competitions include a balance test, donut eating contest, bracelet making, a mummywrap, cup stacking and acotton ball game. Although, some students take the easy way out.

Emi Carlson, a junior team leader, is passionate about the connections that GOAL provides.

“Something that I think that I’ve learned is how important being there for one another is,” she said. "I think just building relationships with people in college just really makes the experience so much better and I’ve made tons of friendships through GOAL, and I know that students have made friendships as well. It’s just like, creating those relationships is really showing me how important it is to have people in your life.”

Some students are finding that being involved in GOAL has helped encourage them in their studies.

“The GOAL Program has helped me, like, expand my horizons,” said Jamie Milligan, a sophmore studying early childhood education. “I actually like school.”

Avery Murray, a senior studying special education, found that the GOAL Program has encouraged her to continue her studies.

“It pushed me to work hard and graduate on time,” she said.

Having fun isn’t the only enjoyed aspect of GOAL. The group leaders play a pivotal role in the connection with the students.

“My favorite part about the GOAL Program is meeting all the mentors,” said Tyler Touve, a sophomore studying communications.

The team leaders in the GOAL Program have found that being able to connect personally with students and their struggles has allowed them to not only better assist them, but form friendships along the way. 

Rhia Beckington, a peer mentor, is a senior studying special education.

“In special education, I've had a past with it and I've seen what it's like in classes with students with disabilities,” she said.  “I have ADD myself so, when I was in high school, I was in those classes. I saw how the teachers were and how my peers were, and I loved it ever since. But with the GOAL Program, I learned how to help the students as a teacher, which I want to be. So, it really shaped me because I love each and every one of them. They're really good friends of mine. This isn't just a job to me. It's just a joy to be there.”

GOAL isn’t just a program for education assistance. It’s a family that bonds unique individuals together to create a fun, laughter-filled environment.

For more information on the UNC GOAL Program, visit their website on the UNC homepage.