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The Chinese Culture Club Rings Up the Lunar New Year with Traditional Crafts

Carmen MachucaCarmen Machuca
February 14, 2024

The Chinese Culture Club held an event where the members learned how to make traditional Chinese crafts in preparation for the Lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival.

While drinking tea and eating snacks such as Pocky, members sat together to learn paper folding known as origami.

“What people do with the origami is put them up sometimes outside the house or sometimes inside the house as décor," said MacKenzie McDaniel, the Chinese Culture Club president. "They will fall off and kind of disintegrate or whatever and it’s a way to welcome in the New Year."

And when is the Lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival?

“The Lunar New Year itself starts on the tenth of February so it's coming up. The ninth is kind of like New Year’s Eve and that is when we are doing the dumplings which is a tradition in China of course,” said McDaniel. “Then it ends with the Lantern Festival, and then people will like sometimes decorate their own lanterns and set them up and it’s a great way to ring up the New Year.”

The club holds other events such as Chinese Club study nights and Chinese board game nights.

The Chinese Culture Club meets every Friday at 3 p.m. at the Kohl House.