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Meet The Ankle Biters: Greeley’s Latest Punk Rock Band

Drew PetersDrew Peters
February 14, 2024

Students walking through Frasier Hall here at the University of Northern Colorado are accustomed to hearing trumpets, violins and other classical instruments being played, but not electric guitars and drums.

The Ankle Biters, a punk rock band, has been changing that, however.

“Mavrick and I came up with the idea of a Weezer cover band in guitar class," said Chloe Wheeler, vocalist. "It started out as joke until it wasn’t and then we picked up Hunter, Ari, and Bobby."

The Ankle Biters didn’t stay covering one singular band for long though, as each bandmate’s unique and expansive taste in music drove them to want to play a much larger variety of songs.

“We all bring our own stylistic differences," said Mavrick Martin, guitarist. "We all like completely different things but that’s the great thing about this band. We can all come in with our own ideas and every day it feels like someone has a fresh take on whatever song we’re working on."

Along with bringing each of their own song ideas, each bandmate brings their own set of musical talents and styles to the table. Guitarist Hunter Robar enjoys playing complex and interweaving pieces and provides much of the heavier metal sounds for the Ankle Biters while pianist Ari Kaye likes to flip songs completely on their heads.

Blending styles and playing off each other has not only improved the band’s songs but has also pushed them to become better musicians and helped reignite their love for music.

“To me there’s no greater gift than the ability to play music, especially if it’s with people you love,” said Bobby Bucneau, drummer.

Despite all being full-time students with jobs and other musical obligations, each bandmate continues to find time for the Ankle Biters. While some would see it as just an another commitment to add onto an already packed schedule, they see it as an escape from the stress of school.

“At school there’s a lot of boxes they put you in and a lot of guidelines that are super strict you have to follow but the Ankle Biters have been a real outlet to let go of that and keep loving music and do what I want to do,” Martin said.

The opportunity to perform for their fans is something that also motivates the Ankle Biters to continue playing. On Jan. 18, they had a chance to perform at Chipper’s Lanes and were truly surprised at the number of people who came to watch. The band is currently working with vendors to set up another gig but one things for certain: as long as the shows keep coming, the Ankle Biters aren’t going anywhere.

“My future in music? Whatever it is, it’s gonna be with the Ankle Biters,” Robar said.