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Retired Japanese Professor's Return to Campus

Carmen MachucaCarmen Machuca
February 05, 2024

The University of Northern Colorado’s Japanese department offers classes to help students learn and gain a broader cultural perspective.

In this program, you will learn how to speak, read and write in Japanese. These classes are taught by Sumiko Gibson, a senior lecturer that taught for seven and a half years before retiring for three years.

But why did she return to UNC to teach again?

First of all,it was the right time and right place because I heard so many stories about UNC and the declining number of the students,” Gibson said.“Also, the department is shrinking so I wanted to bring it back to where it was before.

And what does she hope to see in the department’s future?

“I hope students, not only Japanese students,explore different cultures," Gibson said. "We just want to do more exchange programs with other countries to come to UNC and students to go out of UNC."