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Celebrating A New Year with Paper Cranes

Sophia TavanelloSophia Tavanello
January 29, 2024

New Year's resolutions can be used as short term or long term goals for people. They can be dreams people wish to follow or steps someone wants to accomplish.

Gabby Reese, a sports and exercise major, has set a year long goal to make 10,000 paper cranes by the end of 2024. She has also started to create one thousand for herself.

However, she’s been running into some small setbacks, in the form of two small cats. 

“After I complete my goal of making a thousand of these paper cranes, I’d love to hang them up on my wall,” she said. “But it’s a little hard with these guys, tearing every single one down.”

Reese has taken to not only making paper cranes for herself, but also for others. She has begun to write good luck notes on them to hand them out to other students.

Reese’s brother came up with the idea and she has him to thank for this new hobby.

“This was initially my brother’s goal to make 10,000 paper cranes, but I thought that was absolutely insane to make 10,000 cranes all by yourself, so I decided to help,” she said. “When he taught me how to make paper cranes at first, I wasn’t so great. But now, I think I’m a little better than him.”