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UNC Police Implement Safety Transaction Zones to Ensure Secure Exchanges on Campus

Gabriela Lopez Cipriano
January 29, 2024

The University of Northern Colorado Police Department created a safe transaction zone on campus. The zone is located outside Gray Hall.

The safe transaction zone is always under surveillance. The zone was purposefully placed outside the UNC police department to make students feel comfortable and confident exchanging or selling items online.

Although online marketplaces offer a cheaper price for any item, red flag sellers are a threat to online shoppers.

Bobby Gallegos, UNC police officer, explained some of the red flags to be cautious about when shopping online.

If they’re asking for money in advance, that’s going to be a red flag," Gallegos said. "If it’s a legit transaction they’re going to want to meet you in person. Don’t give any credit card information or bank information."

If students are unable to meet a seller at a safe transaction zone, the safest thing they can do is to meet the seller at a public place.

Please be safe out there, there is a lot of fraud going on," Gallegos said. "Again, if you are going to buy an object or item online make sure you are not prepaying for it, you’re not meeting them at your residence or any residence. Make sure you are using the same transaction zone."

The safe transaction zones are available to all UNC students and the Greeley community.