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UNC's Lightsaber Guys: Illuminating the Night with Their Unique Take on Star Wars

Sophia Raymond
January 25, 2024

Have you seen the Lightsaber Guys letting up the night at UNC? They have been dueling many nights on campus for the past two years. They are a group of friends who came together to create their version of the Star Wars franchise. One of the co-creators, Michael Nolting, spends time before each season on ideas for stories in the season.

“We write the story to them,” Nolting said. “We have like the characters that we try and like cast for those characters and what not to happen, that kind of thing. So, they kind of depend on us.”

Before each episode or two the group needs to discuss how the story will play out. Nolting knows which characters will be needed for each episode and duel.  

“It’s kind of like set beforehand,” Nolting said. “But then also like a lot of characters that we do have, we do kind of give the option to the person of like, what do you want for your character?”

 Their duels typically take place at Turner Green on the west side of the University of Northern Colorado campus.  The group uses multiple locations on campus to film. The Lightsaber Guys originally started filming episodes in the basement of Turner. They have since moved to different floors for hallway scenes throughout their time at UNC. Now, they have expanded to use South Hall, another residence hall on campus, for scenes.