Workforce development is a vital resource for job seekers and employers and plays an active role in supporting generations of UNC Bears in taking the first—or next—step in their career.
So, when the opportunity arose to speak with three alumni working in workforce development at the local, state, and federal level; we took the topic by the proverbial horns and set up a time to talk.
Our alumni guests included CeCe Majchrowski '05, Workforce Deputy Director, Employment Services of Weld County, Thomas Hartman Ph.D. '07, Senior Consultant, Colorado Workforce Development Council, and Matt Cornett '10, '21, Assistant Director of the Colorado Veterans Employment & Training Service, U.S. Department of Labor.
Here are a few of the key points our alumni had to share:
- Workforce development is both the process of and the ecosystem in which job seekers
and employers connect. Workforce development staff work alongside job seekers to help
them speak to their skills, education, and experiences while supporting industry partners
in finding individuals who meet their business needs.
- To better prepare college graduates for their future careers, workforce development leaders are always eager to work alongside university faculty and staff to align programmatic and career readiness outcomes with industry needs.
- Job seekers should give themselves the space to learn from each career experience they participate in, use resources and professional development tools, and make intentional connections to build a resilient network of supporters.
- Job seekers are also encouraged to take a periodic inventory of their top skills and areas for growth with insight from mentors and colleagues. This includes taking advantage of opportunities to develop work-ready skills including self-reliance, problem solving, industry awareness, maturity, collaboration, stress management, self-care, emotional intelligence, and trauma response.
Local Workforce Centers host “Transferrable Skills” workshops to help you frame your expertise on your resume, cover letter, and other application materials.
- Mentorship is one of the most underutilized resources by job seekers today. Effective mentorship provides mentees access to knowledge that took their mentors years to gain, helps mentees build relationships in their desired industry, and provides reciprocal benefits to mentors who can learn from the next generation of professionals.
Not realizing that their UNC education provides them access to the Bear Network of 138,000+ alumni, many UNC students and alumni may feel they don't have the connections
to support them in their desired industry.
Connect to the Bear Network
To connect with a potential mentor, participate in an informational interview with a fellow alum in your desired industry, or find additional alumni career resources and supports, reach out to