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About Slate

Slate is a Customer Relationship Management tool used by the University of Northern Colorado exclusively for the recruitment and enrollment of students into UNC degree, certification and professional development programs. This prospect-to-enrollment system is used by campus recruiters and marketers to drive, answer and track interest, induce application, deliver decisions, and facilitate the completion of enrollment requirements. Learn more about Slate.

Who “owns” Slate?

Slate is being developed by a group of three staff “Captains” at UNC. These captains oversee recruitment, application processing and review and other duties in the Office of Admissions, Graduate School and International Admissions, and Extended Campus, in addition to their Slate work. Also included on the team are support personnel from UNC’s Information Management and Technology division. The system is managed by these areas and is supported by the CIO and the Integrated Recruitment and Marketing Team (IRMT). Read more about UNC's work to implement this new CRM on UNC's website ("UNC introduces new recruitment and prospect management tool").

What is happening in Slate?

In year one (academic year 2018-19), the Slate captains concentrated their efforts on building, testing and deploying routine communication and marketing processes, applications for all terms, recruitment event forms and other admissions/recruitment tools. The team was involved in the training of recruitment and review staff/faculty on the system, and brought New Student Orientation and the Honors program into the system. 

  • Year 1 (academic year 2018-2019)
    • Create and maintain admissions applications for undergraduate, graduate, and international admissions
    • Create and maintain inquiry forms
    • Create and maintain communication campaign and ad hoc needs
    • Create and maintain undergraduate admissions events
    • Create and maintain Honors application
    • Create end of term processing 
  • Year 2 (academic year 2019-2020) 
    • Create and maintain CIE application and Nondegree seeking application
    • Create and maintain Aims2UNC application
    • Add Post Bacc degrees to the undergraduate application
    • Add Advisors dataset to ensure data integrity
    • Revise Residency Status rules
    • Create more comprehensive outreach planning and execution as well as implement procedural guidelines to ensure data integrity and reporting/processing
    • Update crime check questions
    • Create and maintain the Performing and Visual Arts applications
    • Create and maintain Admitted Student Checklist rules with the help of New Student Experience (Orientation), Housing & Residential Education, and Office of Financial Aid
  • Year 3 (academic year 2020 - 2021)
    • Add advisor information to Slate and feed said information to Banner
    • Update scholarship rules

Can I use Slate?

Currently, only the main recruitment areas are engaged in Slate development. In year two, this group is hoping to bring the College of Performing and Visual Arts, and their application, into the system. Other requests for access and event enhancements for years two three are being actively sought from the campus community. These will be logged and reviewed bi-monthly by the Slate team and IRMT to set priorities and plans for future enhancements.

Enhancement requests

Requests will be logged and reviewed bi-monthly by the Slate team and IRMT to set priorities and plans for future enhancements.