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Health Sciences

The health sciences field is rapidly growing with a multitude of opportunities for those who want to give back to and serve their communities! Upon graduation, students will be able to use effective strategies, techniques, and technologies to provide a versatile approach in the delivery of safe, ethical, and therapeutic health care while incorporating principles of inclusion, equity and diversity into their every day practice.

Degree Options

B.S. in Health Sciences

Healthcare Administration Emphasis

Sample courses:
  • Accounting 
  • Management and Organization
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing (Digital and Social Media)
  • Modern Concepts of Health and Disease
  • Medical Ethics

Healthcare Administration 4-Year Plan

Public Health Emphasis

Sample courses:
  • Modern Concepts of Health and Disease
  • Nutrition
  • Lifespan Development
  • Health Education and Promotion
  • Environmental Health
  • Internship in Public Health

Public Health 4-Year Plan


Students in the public health emphasis will complete a supervised internship that provides direct experience working in a community setting. Students will work with an internship coordinator to determine an internship location that fits their personal interest and career goals.


The Health Sciences major includes all the prerequisite courses for UNC’s Nursing BSN clinical application. If students are not admitted to UNC’s Nursing program, this major still allows for a path to a career in healthcare while utilizing all pre- Nursing coursework.

The healthcare administration emphasis also has human resource management certification courses imbedded into the curriculum so students end up with a bachelor's degree and certification upon program completion. Learn more

Where can your degree take you?

This degree program is hands-on and active, taking you beyond textbook learning and into the world where you can put your knowledge to work. Along the way, you’ll make exciting discoveries and set a career path that is all your own.

Nursing homes
Medical laboratories
Pharmaceutical companies
Manufacturing companies

Federal or state government agencies

Private agencies
Consulting firms
Insurance companies
Nonprofit organizations
• Outpatient centers, clinics, physicians’ offices, and other patient care facilities