Summer Enrichment Program
SEP is a two-week program through the University of Northern Colorado consisting of high-interest, hands-on, brains-on courses for gifted, talented, and creative students entering grades 5 through 10.
Courses are developed by specialists in gifted education and/or in specific content areas as part of the university's Center for Gifted and Talented Education.
Curriculum is developed and differentiated according to basic principles of gifted education, providing a unique opportunity for enrichment not ordinarily possible in regular classrooms.
Examples of Previous Course Topics
- Musical Improvisation
- Electronic Composition, Video Killed the Radio Star, Sounds
- Beginning Dance and Advanced Dance
- Guitar Jam and Acapella Singing
- Improv (both 5x7 & 8x10), SEP LIVE (8x10), and Slam Poetry (8x10)
- Cabaret (choice of drama activities)/Drama workshops
- Picture Your Self; Stained Glass
- Photo Journalism/experimental art
- Theatre/Dramatic Writing
Online SEP Costs:
1 Class = $360; 2 Classes = $610; 3 Classes = $755; 4 Classes = $900
(All classes include a daily small group time with counselors & LEPers, Super Saturday,
Movie Night, Showcase, & Wrap-Up Celebration)
Add-Ons: Options Only = $100; Group Minecraft Only = $75; BOTH Options & Minecraft = $150