GSA Newsletter: August 30, 2020
GSA Office Hours to Remain Virtual Until Further Notice
Due to COVID-19, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) office hours will remain virtual
until further notice. If you wish to schedule a meeting with the GSA Director or other
memebers of the GSA, please email
Need money for research expenses and/or conference registration?
The Graduate Student Association hosts a competitive grant process four times per fiscal year (July 1, 2020 – June
30, 2021). GSA grants can be awarded to graduate students that are conducting research
or presenting at / attending academic conferences. Due to COVID-19, per instruction
from the Graduate School, UNC all student travel is suspended until further notice
and will not be reimbursed. Graduate students are encouraged to look for opportunities
to perform and present research at virtual conferences. If you have questions about
what conference and research expenses are allowed by the GSA, read through the GSA Grant Handbook or contact the GSA Grant Review Committee at
GSA Grant Cycle 02
Application open Sept. 1, 2020
Application close Sept. 18, 2020
Application materials
Per the Graduate School: Due to COVID-19, all UNC student travel is suspended until further notice and will not be reimbursed.
GSA Grant Cycle 01 Winners
85% of the grant applications in cycle 01 were funded. All grants were reviewed by
the GSA Grant Review Committee: David Shimokawa, Katy LaFary, Margaret Sebastian and
Nicholas Dix.
Congratulations to the following grant winners (in alphabetical order by first name):
Alexandra Vita, Biological Education, Ph.D.
The role of berberine, a clinically relevant herbal supplement, in T cell-mediated
Advisor: Nicholas Pullen
Emily Royse, Biological Education, Ph.D.
The Anatomy of Persistence: Remediation and Science Identity Perceptions in Undergraduate
Anatomy and Physiology
Advisor: Emily Holt
Lea Haverbeck, SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.
Effects of Acute versus Chronic Exercise on Promoting Anti-Cancer Immune Function
Advisor: Reid Hayward
Luke Krynski, SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.
The effect of time restricted feeding on immune function in a 4T1 tumor bearing mouse
Advisor: Reid Hayward
Nathaniel Croteau, SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.
Exercise in the Regulation of Tumoral Lactate
Advisor: Reid Hayward
Nicholas Harman, SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.
Distinguishing Mature Neutrophils from Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Active
Cancer Patients
Advisor: Reid Hayward
GSA Parent / Family Survey
Are you a graduate student with children / family to take care of? Please fill out
this brief survey so the GSA is better able to advocate for graduate students with
family responsibilities.
Graduate Student Parent / Family Survey link
GSA Grant Review Committee Members Wanted
The GSA is seeking additional graduate students to assist with reviewing GSA grant
applications. Grant Review Committee members are responsible for reviewing grant applications,
providing constructive feedback, and helping to decide grant-related matters. If you
are interested in applying, send your resume or CV to
GSA Academic Appeals Board Appointees Wanted
Up to 15 graduate students are needed to serve as GSA appointees on the Academic Appeals
Board this academic year. These students compose a pool of graduate students eligible
to serve if, and when, a graduate acadmic appeal is brought up for document and /
or full-board review. Interested students should contact GSA Assistant Director of
Graduate Student Rights & Appeals,
Helpful Tips for New Grad Students
Check out the 2020 edition of this helpful guide for incoming graduate students.
Graduate Student Association Panels / Webinars
If you missed out on the GSA's various panel discussions for incoming graduate students,
visit the GSA page and look for the resources on the right-hand side of the screen. Thank you to the
following returning graduate students that participated in various informational panel
discussions over the summer:
Amanda Jacobs, Educational Psychology, Ph.D.
Academic Appeals Board, GSA appointee
GSA Staff Photographer
Anitha Muthukumaran, Special Education, Ph.D.
Aspen King, Biological Education, Ph.D.
Danielle Wong, SES: Social Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Ph.D.
Jay Martyn, SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D.
Karina Sanchez, Biological Education, Ph.D.
Katy LaFary, Educational Psychology, Ph.D.
GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Research
GSA Grant Review Committee
Academic Appeals Board, GSA appointee
Laura Trapp, Special Education, Ph.D.
Margaret Sebastian, Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership, Ph.D.
GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Community & Climate
GSA Grant Review Committee
Academic Appeals Board, GSA appointee
Miriam Gueck, School Psychology, Ed.S.
GSA Activity Coordinator
Nick Dix, Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership, Ph.D.
GSA Assistant Director of Graduate Student Rights and Appeals
GSA Grant Review Committee
Academic Appeals Board, GSA appointee
Nick Harman, SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.
Academic Appeals Board, GSA appointee
Victoria Flores, SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.
Zac McCarver, SES: Social Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Ph.D.
GSA Council Representative
Graduate Student News Wanted
Do you have exciting news to share from your program or personal life? The GSA is
looking for graduate achievements to mention in our newsletter and on our websites.
Please send any info to GSA Administrative Assistant