Center for Student Well-Being
The Center for Student Well-Being is a one-stop shop providing students with support related to their essential needs. Just need help with food security? Please visit our Bear Pantry webpage.
Contact Center for Student Well-Being staff
location: Lower Floor University Center (near Subway)
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (M-F)
Concerned about the ability of someone else to meet their essential needs?
Refer them to our office or complete the Referral for Student Support form.
How can we help?
Resource navigators in the Center for Student Well-Being can help undergraduate and graduate students find resources on:
- Housing
- Food
- Medical care
- Counseling/mental health care, including substance abuse support
- Health insurance
- Transportation
- Emergency Funding
- Application for state or federal benefit programs, like SNAP, WIC or LEAP
- Childcare or care for a vulnerable adult
- Employment concerns (e.g., loss of income)
- Clothing
- Access to course technology
- Textbooks or other course materials (supported by The Friends of the UNC Libraries)
- Utility assistance
- Legal assistance
- Budgeting, managing debt and financial planning Connection to other off-campus and community resources
- Other emergency support
If you're a student who needs help with any of the above, complete our Basic Needs Assistance Form to connect with a Resource Navigator. Resource navigators work to understand student needs and tailor support plans to meet those needs. Navigators can help students connect with institutional, city, state and federal resources and programs. There is no cost to speak with a navigator. After you submit the form, a resource navigator will contact you within two business days. They will provide support to help you remain focused on your academic and personal goals.
For urgent situations, please contact UNC Police at 1-970-351-2245 or call 911.
Emergency Funding
Sometimes life happens. Unexpected medical bills arise. People lose jobs. Housing plans fall apart. Food access shrinks. Cars break down. Computers need repairs. UNC aims to support all students, even amid financial instability.
The Student Emergency Support Fund helps undergraduate and graduate students who have experienced unforeseeable or catastrophic life events. Unforeseeable means that a reasonable person would not have anticipated the event and the related financial shortfall. The maximum award is generally $750. The Fund is made possible by the generosity of donors.
If you need food, housing or other support more urgently, please contact or call 970-351-2796 during daytime working hours. After hours, contact UNC Police at 970-351-2245.
If you have questions, please contact us at