Psychological Sciences
Education and Behavioral Sciences
Ph.D. Child Psychology - University of Minnesota
B.A. Psychology, Philosophy, and German - Luther College
After earning his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Granrud worked at Carnegie Mellon University for eight years. He then moved to UNC where he has taught Introductory Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Sensation & Perception, Statistics, and Research Methods for 32 years. Dr. Granrud has served as Director of the School of Psychological Sciences since 2019.
Dr. Granrud’s research investigates visual perception in infants and children. His studies focus primarily on the development of depth perception and visual constancy from birth through childhood.
Kavšek, M., Heil, M., & Granrud. C. E. (2022). Holistic face processing in 4- and 7-month-old infants. Infancy, 27, 1052-1067.